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Reporter: zhao hailong 赵海龙
Info: Like to travel, Chinese art, operating network company🙂

Year 2020

Genres Horror
directors Nicolas Pesce
The Grudge is a movie starring Tara Westwood, Junko Bailey, and David Lawrence Brown. A house is cursed by a vengeful ghost that dooms those who enter it with a violent death
Average Ratings 5 / 10 stars

简介: 故事发生在盛唐时期的长安城,白乐天本是朝廷要官,却为了收集写诗的素材而甘愿被贬为起居郎。长安城内连连发生离奇的死亡事件,就连当今圣上也难逃厄运离奇身亡,这一切都和一只神出... 展开> Rage meurtrière.e. 我童年的陰影就是 迦耶子緩慢地爬下樓梯那幕orz. 这部电影里,警察也遭殃了. I think a lot of these scenes could have been written better. There was many parts that were completely put in as in there was no reason for it. I was bored 20 minutes into the movie and I had showed up like 30 minutes late. The only reason this movie is getting 3 stars is because it did scare me 3 times the entire movie. Like I said, it could be better.



很喜歡跟海洋相關的電影 但這超級不合理⋯ 突然從海底基地走到海床上 怎麼克服壓力問題的 整個身體早就被壓爆了好嗎⋯⋯.
Rage meurtrière 3.

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當人還真可憐被鬼殺死,要殺死多少無辜的人才甘願. Most people have already written this off because of remake withdrawal and the stereotype that January films can't possibly be good (which is not true at all. I actually found it pretty well executed for what they were going for and far better than the 2000s remake. Some cliche moments here and there but overall crisply tense with a nice new twist in the story. If you really have to satisfy an itch for a horror film, you can do a lot worse than this.

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